The Sailing Adventure Continues
November 28, 2024
We may have completed the Great Loop, but our sailing adventure is not over – we are sailing to the Keys and Bahamas!
After spending a week visiting family then a full service of our outboard, we set off this morning at 6:30am toward the Tombigbee Waterway. It’s a repeat of the beginning of our Loop - cold and getting colder! This time we are armed with more appropriate gear and way more experience. Our goal is to “rush” to Panama City where we will stay to complete some boat projects.
Expect more frequent and shorter updates here. Happy Thanksgiving from the Novella crew!
November 29, 2024
What a difference a year makes. We are absolutely hauling down the Tombigbee compared to our first trip.
In just two days we have passed by three marinas we overnighted at last time around. Yesterday we made 45 miles. Today we covered more than 46 miles even though we stopped to go through SIX locks! We think the lock operators are being super friendly to us because of the holiday and how cold it is on the water.
A year ago, we were nervous and green. We were so concerned about route planning, anchoring, running out of fuel, commercial traffic, running aground, or hitting debris. Now we just go, go, go.
Unfortunately, it is even colder than last year. It was 30° this morning. Tonight will be 25°, a new record low for us on the boat. Plus we are at anchor which means no heat! We are comfortable in bed even at those temps but the cabin ceiling gets covered in condensation.
We missed our family on Thanksgiving but it was made better by a tow captain pushing a barge. As we passed he shouted “Happy Thanksgiving!!!” on his loudspeaker. Then we made an “instant” Thanksgiving boat meal for dinner.
We’re anchored in a gorgeous creek just off the main channel but it’s way too cold to go out and enjoy the scenery. The Bahamas are sounding really nice right now.
December 5, 2024
Eight days of travel with no breaks. We start moving around sunrise and anchor around sundown. We’ve made 334 miles.
It’s cold. Layers upon layers. Gloves, hat, double socks, thermals and HotHands. No heater at anchor but hot meals aplenty. Tonight there is a wind chill advisory, 15°. We’ll be hunkered down in the cabin.
Often there is a blanket of fog in the morning, so we hug the bank, go slow and watch the AIS for signs of an oncoming tow.
Today we saw wild pigs on the riverbank. At sundown we anchored off the river in a narrow creek and tied the stern to a fallen tree to keep the boat from swinging.
We’ll be in Mobile by Saturday if all goes well. Maybe they have warmth.
Daily Travel Log | To the Bahamas & Back
Day 1 • Bahamas or bust! We’ve finished The Great Loop, visited family, replaced shoes and maintained our outboard. Today we retraced our steps as we head south towards the Florida Keys and ultimately an extended stay in the Bahamas. Also, Happy Thanksgiving!
Pickwick Landing State Park, Tennessee to Bay Springs Lake, Mississippi
Day 2 • shivered our way through six locks while managing to make 46 miles, unfortunately it looks like we will beat last year’s lowest temp record by one degree tonight
Bay Springs Lake to Canal Section Cutoff anchorage near Armory, Mississippi
Day 3 • we’re still freezing - stopped at a marina for the night in order to plug in the tiny heater, grab some gas and catch up on laundry and showers
Canal Section Cutoff to Columbus, Mississippi
Day 4 • woke up to a boat covered in frost, a slow lock followed by a lock delay made today’s destination seem unreachable, however the captain kept pushing and we arrived at our anchorage in the dark
Columbus, Mississippi to Cooks Bend anchorage, Alabama
Day 5 • believe it or not but we are still cold - so cold that our hatch was frozen shut this morning, passed by the White Cliffs of Epes again, got surprised by a tow that snuck up behind us
Cooks Bend to Demopolis, Alabama
Day 6 • we didn’t make as many miles today due to a scheduled lock and a tow we could neither pass or stand to be stuck behind any longer, rowed to shore and stretched our legs
Demopolis to Edna Bend anchorage, Alabama
Day 7 • more frost, more fog, finally a night above freezing
Edna Bend to Okatuppa Creek anchorage, Alabama
Day 8 • nature notes: the spanish moss appeared days ago - and now the palms, so many turtles despite the cold, boat snail, a winding river, teenage eagle beach, kept my eyes peeled all day for pigs and finally spotted two piglets scampering up the bank
Okatuppa Creek to Three Rivers Lake anchorage, Alabama