The Inland Rivers
December 14, 2023
3 states. 177 miles. 9 locks. 17 bald eagles. 13 meteors. And tonight is our first overnight anchorage in the middle of nowhere Alabama.
We are all alone in this serene anchorage with strange “standstill currents.” We set our anchor then quickly floated directly on top of it and stayed there. It was too bizarre so we placed our second anchor and now we will sleep soundly.
Tomorrow we hope to reach the milestone of Demopolis, AL. This is the last true marina before we reach the salty waters of Mobile so a number of nights on anchor are ahead.
December 15, 2023
Our longest day yet! We went from before sunrise to after sunset and made 68.5 miles. The white cliffs of Alabama were a highlight and we’re now tied up for 2 nights in Demopolis.
December 17, 2023
It’s Sunday Funday aboard Novella! We made an easy 48 miles and are sharing an anchorage with a new friend just off the channel. Hopefully, the tows don’t wake us too much tonight. Our new friend spent 2 years restoring his boat in Kansas City and is en route to the Bahamas. We rowed the dinghy to the nearby shore. Tildy was too nervous to join us. Maybe next time…
December 20, 2023
And just like that, our trip down the inland rivers is nearly over. It’s hard to believe we’ve made 451 miles already, and we only started December 1st.
Tonight we are anchored just 12 miles from saltwater in a beautiful, peaceful creek surrounded by palm plants. Unfortunately, it was the coldest day we’ve had so far. That is all about to change. Tomorrow night we will be docked in Mobile and by Friday it will be 69 degrees!
Daily Travel Log | The Great Loop
Day 8 • errands, chores and thunderstorms
Columbus, Mississippi
Day 9 • flowers, biking, sad tamarind
Columbus, Mississippi
Day 10 • river walk trail, downtown, provisions
Columbus, Mississippi
Day 11 • hair cut, deer heads, salmon curry
Columbus, Mississippi
Day 12 • work, work and a pile of dirt
Columbus, Mississippi
Day 13 • first anchorage, cows and owls, meteor shower
Columbus, Mississippi to Windhams Cut anchorage, Alabama
Day 14 • brisk morning, white cliffs of epes, more locks
Windhams Cut anchorage to Demopolis, Alabama
Day 15 • more errands, best coleslaw, night adventures
Demopolis, Alabama
Day 16 • cooking and cruising, dinghy rides and maypops
Demopolis to Edna Bend anchorage, Alabama
Day 17 • so cold, so foggy
Edna Bend anchorage to Bobby’s Fish Camp, Alabama
Day 18 • fighter jets, eagles and a low bridge
Bobby’s Fish Camp to Sunflower anchorage, Alabama
Day 19 • nearing the bay, landscape changing
Sunflower anchorage to Briar Creek anchorage, Alabama