The First Days

December 2, 2023

Day one of our adventure! We couldn’t wait any longer so we left in the rain. We are all alone on the beautiful Tennessee River/Pickwick Lake. Fully loaded with fuel, water and food. Meriah is making breakfast below. Shooting for 40ish miles today and anchoring overnight at Bay Springs Lake. Life is good.


Day one. 47 miles complete.
5,953 left to go.


December 3, 2023

Today was day 2 of travel and our first time through a lock. We joined a flotilla of 3 other loopers and every lock was ready as we arrived. We did not see a single “tow” (barge) the entire journey. By the second lock of three we were like old pros, knives on hand in case a stuck line threatened to ruin our journey. We pulled over at Fulton, Mississippi for two nights to tweak some boat things and spend the day working in our new floating office. The sunsets and scenery here have been spectacular. Tomorrow we move on down the river...



Daily Travel Log | The Great Loop

Day 1 • wet, rainy, and a little eerie
Pickwick Landing State Park, Tennessee to Bay Springs, Mississippi

Day 2 • first locks, new brews and a sunset
Bay Springs to Fulton, Mississippi